September 13, 2015

Life is Hard...sometimes

Let's be honest.  Life is HARD!
Sure we all make our lives look pretty fabulous on social media, and because of that our lives look like they are super easy and fun.  Let me tell you, I don't blame you for making your life look fabulous...I probably do the same.  Do we really want everyone to know what hard things we are going through, all the time?!
Mmmm...probably not.
We all struggle and go through hard times, more than once in our lives.
We each live a life that is different from everyone else.  Our lives take us on different paths, and they might be what we planned and expected, or they might not.
Do I have moments of weakness? Do I break down and cry on my husbands shoulder? Do I worry about my health? Do I worry about money? Do I worry about the future?
Yes, yes, and YES!
Do not be ashamed of the hard things that you go through in your life.  They give you experience.  They teach you how to make better decisions next time, if you need to.  They allow you to help others that go through similar hard times.  Most importantly, they make you, YOU!
"And if men come unto me I will show them their weakness.  I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)
What a great lesson to learn.  Know that our loving Heavenly Father does care for us and love us so much! Yes, he allows struggles in our lives, but just as we learn from that scripture, our weaknesses become strengths when we have faith in Him.
Will life get hard? Yes.  Do we need to give up? No.
Take this advice, as I have learned that it works wonders...

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