October 27, 2016

Patiently Waiting

Some of you may have seen this little video I made on one of my "Princess Days" last week after the transfer.  The "Princess Days" were basically the post-op directions, which meant I had to be a couch potato.  I didn't complain about that...it is nice every now and then just sit around and read and watch a show or movie all day.
Here's a small glimpse into what the day of the transfer was like for the two of us.  

On Saturday we decided to take a drive to meet up with Scotts's sister and her family in Midway.  We went to the best creamery I've been to since living in Idaho...and I have been missing that amazing ice cream fresh from those creameries!  After having a tasty little treat, we went and drove around looking at the beautiful homes there.  My Goodness!!!  I will admit it that I have a few dream home up there, and if Scott and I stay in Utah for the rest of our lives, we are moving to Midway!

After my Mom heard I was up in Midway/Heber not sitting at home on the couch being a "couch potato" she gave me those Mom eyes, we all now when we see them.  Haha.  So when I got home, I put her at ease by doing something she told me I needed to do every day to make those little embryos stick.

Now, we keep waiting until next week to find out if I am officially preggers.  Yes...I feel like it is taking for-ev-er but soon enough the day will be here that we can't wait for.

Until the next update!

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