September 11, 2016

IVF is a GO

If you're not familiar with our story, here's a little refresher.
Scott and I met back in 2013 while we were living in Alpine, Utah.  We then moved to Provo, Utah where Scott finished his last 2 years going to school and playing rugby for BYU.  During that time I was teaching elementary school - first and second grade.  Last year we moved to Lehi, Utah so we could both be closer to our jobs.
Over the past 2 years Scott and I have been wanting to start a family of our own, but we've had a few set backs.  After an ovarian torsion and ectopic pregnancy, we decided it was time to go through with IVF.

As of August 22 it started and we couldn't be more excited for what lies ahead.  Yes, we have our moments of question and worry, but we know that there is a plan for us to have a family and this is the way it is going to happen.  We put our trust in Heavenly Father and know that everything will work out.

August 22: Scott and I officially started taking medications to prepare for IVF.  We both needed to take an antibiotic to clear our systems of any infections or any infections we could be carrying.

August 27: I began taking Lupron.  This drug overstimulate's the body's own production of certain hormones, which causes that production to shut down temporarily.

September 3: We participated in a 5k with some family and friends to promote infertility awareness.  Footsteps for Fertility provides grants for those who apply.  There is a big lottery at the end of the race, which we were hoping we would receive a grant.  Sadly, we did not receive a grant, but it was such a special experience where we got to see and meet so many other couples struggling and fighting through infertility.

These are all the tickets wee added into the lottery.  

Thanks for all the love and support from those there and those that chose the "sleep in" option.  

September 9: Scott needed to get some blood work done, and I had my baseline ultrasounds.  We found out from my ultrasound that there are 16 (or more) follicle's in my right ovary.  That was some great news!

Our future Gowdy Babies are somewhere in this picture.  
September 10:  Dr. Foulk looked over everything and I was cleared to start all the other medications.  For the next 10 days I'll be taking Lupron, Follistim, and Menopur.  My mornings are very busy now, but it'll all be worth it.  Luckily I have Scott helping me out, I don't think I'd be able to do this without him.

Everything it takes to get pregnant through science.  
We are so grateful for doctors and all those that have researched and studied for so many years to make IVF a successful way for families like us to have children.  Day by day we look forward to the future that lies ahead and can't wait to find out what our future holds.

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for you. Your positive attitude is fantastic.
