October 4, 2015

Stomping Grounds

This is one of my favorite times of the year, as it is for many others as well.
Every six months, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gather together to listen to the living prophet and the 12 apostles.  All are invited to watch or listen, members or not.  The messages that they share are messages that can bless all lives.
What a great opportunity it is to continue learning and coming closer to the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we listen to the messages shared.  To give you and idea of what we hear, here are a few things I learned.

We all have the opportunity to learn and grow in the circumstances we each go through.
We need to stand tall, be courageous and share the message of the Restored Gospel.
Women need to speak up, share their feelings, and help others better understand what we need to do, because we also receive revelation and promptings of our own.
Mothers take on one of the greatest responsibilities and sacrifices of their life when they have children.  They give their lives to provide, teach, and love their children.

There are so many more, but the best way to learn of them is to listen or read them on your own.  We are blessed with receiving promptings that are for each one of us individually.  Something that I heard or got from a talk, might not be exactly what someone else got.
Go for it, check it our for yourself here...

One more thing.

I love being able to see the different parts of Temple Square and how many people are gathered there to listen and watch General Conference.
A Little over five years ago, I began my journey as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Temple Square.  When I received the call, I did not fully understand what my mission would be.  After a few weeks in the Missionary Training Center I learned that my mission experience would be very different from what I'd heard of others experiences.
Every day of my mission, I had the opportunity to meet individuals from all over the world.  Their stories and experiences in life amazed me and taught met so much.  I prayed day in and day out that the message I would share would bless their life in some way.
Being a missionary during General Conference was unbelievable.  We would have 14 hour days of talking to others, sharing our testimony, and hearing the testimony of those we met.  Yes, those were very long exhausting days, but some of the most rewarding days.
I wouldn't change the days I spent as a missionary for anything.  I met some of the most wonderful people, who taught me so much.  They helped me gain a stronger testimony and understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They have helped me become the person that I am today.
I am grateful for the opportunities I am blessed with in my life.  I am grateful to know that there is a living prophet on the earth today.  I am grateful to know that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in its fullness, as it was when Jesus Christ walked this earth.

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