August 23, 2015

I Can Do All Things...

The last 48 hours have been quite a trial for me.

Before school even got out on Friday at 1:25 PM I was feeling so sick to my stomach. I couldn't even finish the day with my class and had someone come in to finish the last few things of the day with my class. 

By 1:40 PM I was on my way home, praying that I would make it home safely without starting to feel extremely sick again. I made it home and immediately got into bed, but could not get comfortable in any position at all. The pain continued to get worse and worse, so Scott came home from work to help out and get me through what I thought would hopefully go away. 

Nothing was helping at this point. I called my OB to see if this was a reaction from taking my third cycle of Clomid. The doctor did not seem too concerned and he said it was a just a reaction and that the pain would eventually subside. I couldn't believe that's all he said with the extreme pain that I was in. So we waited and waited. I tried to fall asleep and by 3 AM I  couldn't handle the pain any more.  We grabbed our things and headed to the Emergency Room...the last place I wanted to be. However, I was so ready for the pain to go away. 

We got checked in and had tests started immediately. After blood tests and ultrasounds, the OB on call came in and said that my left ovary was about 8 cm, about the size of a tennis ball, and was torsed. Well, that explained the pain! 

They prepped me for surgery and off I went. The next thing I knew I was out of surgery and not feeling the pain anymore. 
Turns out that my ovary had completely died. It had become so enlarged and twisted that there was no blood flow for about 12 hours causing the ovary to die. They OB that did my surgery removed my left ovary, which ended up being 10 cm. 

So, after all of this, I can say that I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without Christ. He is my strength. I know that he has suffered more than I have and I can lean on him no matter what. 

I can do all things through Christ, and as you put your trust and faith in him, you can also do all things through Christ.