February 6, 2014

What to do?

Scott's away for his first tournament of the season, and what do I do? 
I blog.

Being rugby season, it is too cold to play in Utah, so they get to travel to warm places while we're all stuck freezing in the bad weather.  Oh, and did I mention that it's supposed to snow most of the weekend.  Yep, I wish I could be in Nevada where it's nice and warm and the sun shines!

...So far so good...

This week has been a bit crazy for the both of us.  I will say that we have been able to accomplish a lot! We will be getting a new couch soon, so people don't have to sit on the floor when they come over. We have a budget plan that we are following.  AND we got passes to the Provo Rec. Center (which just happens to be right behind our apartment.  All this, while Scott was busy with classes, homework, tests, quizzes, and rugby...and I was working and coming home with work.  
We even fit in a few fun adventures and had a few accidents too, that I will fill you in on soon enough.

Hope you have all had a great week!
And as one of my students always says to me at the end of the day...
"Have a Great one!"

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