One of the down sides of being a teacher is all the germs that spread around.
I've caught one of those nasty bugs and while I thought I would get over it quickly, but it didn't work out that way this time.
Yesterday I felt awful all day. I didn't want to get a sub because I knew that my principal was coming in to do my final observation. Lucky for me she did come in, and it was early in the day too.
Today I ended up taking a sick day and have locked myself in to rest and get feeling better. However, it's days like this that I wish I could go out and get my body moving.
Yep, my new love is cycling...I just LOVE it!
A year ago I tried out a spin/cycling class. With the extra icy sidewalks I didn't have a great time running, so I kept going to these classes. Week after week I kept getting more into it. It's been a year now and I still go as regularly as I can, or jam out to my own mix and get a good work out in.
With the way I have fallen in love with this, I have been thinking about becoming an instructor myself...crazy?! I've been going through pros and cons, and the pros are outweighing the cons by a long shot. I'm looking into when the next classes happen and then I'll go from there.
Here's to wishing that this dream will come true in the near future.