It's been a few days now since I've been off track (I teach at a year round school) and I have been doing pretty good at keeping myself busy. When I got home after school/work on Friday I got busy decorating and had a fun time turning our little home into a festive home ready for Christmas!
Monday. I decided it was time to start cleaning and organizing. Our apartment has a patio, where Scott & I enjoy putting things like our soccer and rugby things and other extra bags with things we don't use all that often. Let's just say that in the past year that we have lived here, a lot has accumulated in a very unorganized way. I am usually a very organized person, but when things are out of sight they are not going to bother you all that much. I finally decided that it was time! It was a beautiful day, which is hard to believe for December. I am happy to share that our patio is now very clean and organized (all swept too). Scott says it looks like we're ready to move. Haha. That's not happening yet.
Tuesday. Tis the season to eat and enjoy it! I know, I's hard to enjoy it, but as long as you're not over eating and exercising, you should be good! Anyways, I signed up to make sugar cookies for our ward Christmas party, so I began the process of making the cookies. (Find the recipe here)
I made the dough, let it chill, then started baking them all about an hour later. It was quite the task, but I think they're all going to turn out great. I'll insta the final products when they're all finished.
Wednesday. I took on a task that I thought wouldn't be as time consuming as it really was. Scott & I have been needed in a huge closet cleaning. We have been so caught up in life that we haven't been thinking too much about getting rid of clothes and things we aren't using all that often. I started by ironing all the shirts that we wear, which ended up taking about an hour. After that I got to work on going through all of the clothes, which was much more than I thought. From fall clothes, to winter, to spring, to summer. We ended up getting rid of 5 bags worth of clothes...I know it was a lot! I'm happy to have a nice organized closet again too.
Thursday. Most of the day I spent running errands. Scott & I decided a few weeks ago that we would do the 12 days of Christmas for 2 families. So, Scott thought of one and I thought of another. We are so excited to do this, and anxious to share such a special gift with these families. The tough part was deciding what to do for all 12 days. Thanks to the handy dandy Pinterest, I found this amazing blog (Todays the Best Day), which I also love reading, with a 12 days of Christmas! Here is the beginnings of getting everything ready for this to begin on Saturday.
So for only a few days of no work, I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job at filling my time. Here's to hoping that the next week stays just as busy before we head to California for Christmas!
December 11, 2014
November 19, 2014
You Should Know By Now
It's becoming more and more of a habit that I only add a few new things on here every month or two.
So as usual, here it goes...another catchup.
Life is keeping us busy and on our toes day after day.
Scott is doing great with work. He is learning so much, and I can't believe everything he does now for the company he is working with. Scott is also finishing up his last two classes before he graduates, after that he will working full time for the same company he is with now. We'll see where life takes us from then on.
As for me, I am still teaching a class full of 2nd graders. I have some really fun things planned for our last few weeks, before we go off track, to celebrate the holidays. It is all a surprise and I am anxious to see how it all turns out, but even more their reactions. One thing that needs to happen before then, is there needs to be a change in the weather...this weather needs to officially change to winter and start snowing The kids are going crazy and in such a funk because the weather is changing, but it hasn't "officially" changed in their minds. Hopefully the reports are true for this weekend.
Halloween was super fun. Scott & I are having fun with costumes we throw together. All day I was in costume with my students. We all walked in the school Halloween parade then had a great Halloween Party. Then later that night, Scott & I went to a party with some of our friends and got some really good laughs in.
A few days before Halloween we got together with some friends in our ward and carved pumpkins. Scott & I went to a pumpkin patch and picked out our own, and made the most of it all.
On a fun note, we're and Aunt & Uncle again. Scott's brother, Steve, and his wife, Brooke had a beautiful baby girl. They named her Georgie Grace, but like to call her GiGi. We were lucky enough to go and see her the same day she was born, and visit her a few times since. It is so much fun having all these cute nieces and nephews and we can't wait to see them all again.
September 24, 2014
Fast Forward >>
These last few weeks, or should I say months, have been a bit crazy.
A new school year has started for me. I feel like I'm doing my first year of teaching all over again. Switching from one grade to another is a lot of work, but there are some advantages that are making it a little easier.
Scott is so busy with work, and doing great with it as well. He is also finishing up his last 2 classes before he graduates in December! I know it's a lot for him, but he's doing great and I'm so proud of him!
As for our lives and all that we've been doing, here is a little fast forward of what we've done the last few months...
We were able to go to the park next to our apartments and watch the super moon rise. It took a while for Mr. Super Moon to show his face, but it was incredible when he finally did! The not so incredible part of the night was I got back to our place and had close to 30 mosquito bites! Ugh...that was more bites than I got when I was a Girls Camp a few weeks before!
Olivia is a absolutely amazing!
For the past several months she has been suffering form severe back pain caused by a fractured disc in her back that was pinching a nerve. Not only did it cause back pain, but it also caused pain through the lower left side of her body.
It was a miracle how it all happened, but she was scheduled for back surgery with the best doctor in Sacramento, all within 3 days. The doctor performed the surgery and came out to tell my parents that it was a complete success...and it has proven true!
Olivia is someone that has dreams and goals, with nothing coming in the way to stop her. She has been dreaming of playing volleyball for BYU for the past few years and now she is even more determined to get back on the court to push forward through recovery and be the best volleyball player she can be.
Scotty boy had a birthday! He's getting older, and wiser...that's for sure!
It was a fun day to celebrate, at least the time when we weren't at work. We got home and Scott was able to see the fun presents that were waiting for him, and surprises too!
I was so sneaky...I surprised Scott with a new phone. He didn't ask for one, but he was in need of a new one, so why not!
Something that I never imagined happening, really did happen...
Xochitl, my mission companion, from Chihuahua Mexico, is now living in Provo!
We were able to get together and catch up. She has lived such an incredible life and is an inspiring woman. I look up to her and cherish her friendship each and every day.
Road Trip!
We had a trip planned to go home, but weren't expecting the company of Dadio. He had to come out last minute and it just worked out that we could all drive back together!
This was also the last trip that Scott and I took in Mario. Olivia now has her license and Mario to go along with it. She is loving Mario, but she now calls him "Maria"...if only she knew he was really Mario :)
While on our trip to visit my parents, we also made it down to San Francisco and had so much fun sight seeing, watching the spray paint artists, break dancers, and much more...
Scott and Dad enjoying their bonding time while they organize their new wallets. Oh, so exciting!
This past weekend, we were able to head down to Moab with our friends, the Stodmeisters. Scott and I went last year with our singles ward and went rafting down the Colorado River, but we weren't able to see all the other fun adventures there. We went hiking day after day and loved seeing the beauty in this world that is hard to believe is really there. If you haven't been, go! It's worth it all.
Fall is here now and I am so excited for the few things we have planned, but even more excited to see the changing leaves and this beautiful season!
Hope you're all excited too!
July 7, 2014
Summer Craziness
Life continues to be crazy, but so fun and memorable at the same time.
I have officially finished my first year of teaching. YaYY!!! It was difficult at times, but so rewarding when I look back and think of the whole year.
First grade was this years adventure, and now Second grade is where I'm headed. I am excited for the new challenges that await, and am grateful for all the support I am getting from family, friend, students and their parents, and my co-workers. It is going to be another fun year...I'm just not quite sure if I'm ready for it to start in 2 weeks. Not a long enough summer with year round schools.
After wrapping up my last day of school, Scott and I were able to meet up with all of his family (except Matt who is in Chile on his mission) for a a family reunion. We spent the long weekend in a cabin just outside of Park City with a visit to Park City for the 4th of July parade, dinner, and fireworks. We also went to the Oakley Rodeo...which I of course loved! Scott and I have started a tradition of going to rodeos each summer, and he is starting to like them more and more too.
We were so happy to spend time with family and we cherish the memories that we made. To give you an idea of the memories have a look for yourself.
All the kids in their cute 4th of July outfits. |
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Enjoying the Park City 4th of July Parade |
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And yes...we decided to find our own outfits for the 4th |
All the boys...but missing Matt |
All the Girls |
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This little munchkin is strong! She was doing pull ups with just a little help from Scotty |
Dance party...reminded me of the dancing at our wedding |
Decorating cupcakes was so fun! |
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Even Cade loved it! |
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Such a happy camper |
We had such a fun weekend and can't wait to see everyone again!
And now I'm getting ready to head off to Girls Camp for the week and Scott will keep himself busy working, and I'm sure he'll have fun with a few other things he seems to have planned.
June 15, 2014
No More MIA
Life has been a bit of a whirlwind for the last little bit...and in a good way.
Scott finished up his Winter semester at BYU and soon after began a Spring class, which he is finishing up as I speak. It's been a tough class, but his big paper is due on Monday and I couldn't be happier. Scott has such a talent for writing and it's a blessing that he's a perfectionist when it comes to writing. He always gets the grade that he works hour and hours for.
All that school work is also working to his benefit as he has the wonderful experience of working with a good family friend who is a lawyer. Scott is learning a lot more than he ever expected and has basically become a paralegal...Way to go Babe!!! He is also working with a Title Insurance company his brother-in-law and the lawyer have started. Hard to believe that the real work world is becoming a daily reality in our home.
My sweet Grandmother left this life and passed onto the next and was reunited with my Grandpa after many years of being apart. It was a sad day, but a happy one as well. The knowledge of knowing that Families are Forever and we will be reunited with our families is such a comfort. The gospel of Jesus Christ blesses our lives in so many ways, but in times of sorrow and trials, it is what becomes more important. I long for the day to be reunited with all my family and friends again in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
Through all the ups and downs, we are continually making memories and especially grateful for the days we get to spend together...even though they may be but a few hours every night.
Scott got his "Three-peat" and won the Rugby National Championships with the BYU Rugby team for the 3rd year in a row. His family came out and so did mine as we watched the exciting game.
I've been busy working and getting ready to move to teach 2nd grade. Yep...I'm smart enough that I get to move to 2nd grade with my 1st graders. Haha. Just kidding. My Principal asked that I move to the 2nd grade team and although it has been an adjustment, I'm anxious for the year that awaits.
During my 3-week off track time my family went on our traditional vacation and visited Disneyland. Scott hadn't been since he was 8 or so (he doesn't remember the exact year) and we sure threw him into the ringer with the busy schedule we keep on to get a fill of everything.
All in all, I tried to capture these last few months and have now experimented with a little video making...let's hope that it gives you all a feel of how great our lives are going.
March 19, 2014
Doing Good
Life keeps going on...and we're doing good.
We would like to introduce to your all our first pet.
Yes it's totally cliche to do something like this, but it has been a fun adventure for us.
Meet Fobby.
He is our trusted fish that is always at home to greet us.
This is the first of many pets that we will have as we live our lives together.
Next, a puppy?!
Now for another aspect of our lives...
We like "going about doing good" (Acts 10:38).
For FHE (family home evening) this past Monday night we made Blessing Bags.
On Saturday we went up to Salt Lake to watch the U of U & Cal Berkley rugby game.
As we were driving around we continued passing homeless people asking for help, food, and money on multiple corners.
After seeing them, I was reminded of a family from Montana that I got to know while on my mission. I remembered them telling me about care packages they would make to hand to off to those asking for help, money, or food on the streets.
We made up our minds after passing a few that we would make the care packages, or what we now call, Blessings Bags.
We invited one of Scott's friends from the rugby team and his wife to come over and make them with us. We had so much fun putting them together and chatting the whole time.
Here is a break down of what we put in the bags.
Protein Bar
Bottled Water
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
And something sweet, Reeses
We have yet to pass one off, but we hope to do so soon.
Doing good for others always cheers us up and helps us want to continue helping others. We hope you have all found ways of doing good in your life and for others.
Have a Great Day!!!
March 10, 2014
Tis the season...
Rugby is here and its his last year!
Scott has been playing rugby while attending BYU and he has enjoyed every year. I admire him for the dedication he has for this team and all that he sacrifices. It is a lot of work, especially while going to school and and having a social life.
If it weren't for rugby Scott and I might not be where we are now. When I moved down to Utah for my student teaching I was looking for things to do, and after the first time meeting Scott I might've had a little interest in him. Then, learning about him being on the team, I knew that I would have something to do for the summer.
Having something to do was a huge relief. I didn't have friends down in Utah so at least having something to do would keep me entertained until I met a few people. Who would've thought that I would meet the man of my dreams by going to rugby games.
Now I sit on the sidelines cheering him on and being his paparazzi from time to time. Here is a glimpse of what I see most Saturdays while sitting on the side lines of the rugby field.
Oh and Scotty is quite a celebrity...So far in each game there have been people sitting behind me at some point or another "Hey! That's Scott Gowdy...He's so cool!" or "Wait, isn't that the guy that plays Sid Going in that one video." I seriously get a good kick out of it and feel like the luckiest girl to be married to this man - FOREVER! I still haven't mentioned anything to these people that he's my one and only...secretly I do it so I can hear them talk about him more. Wouldn't you?!
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